Inspiration to live the kind of extraordinary life we all deserve.

A wild and wonderful ride.


However, the journey can often feel so heavy and hard. Why do we keep going? What’s the meaning? What’s my purpose?

I am constantly amazed by the fact that we GET to be here. We live on a planet that is truly a paradise. We’re gifted incredible bodies that can perform the miracle of healing themselves. We also have complex minds capable of dreaming up and executing endless colorful and creative things.

Life is a precious gift. We keep going and we keep showing up because LIFE itself is worth it.

From a very young age, a light turned on inside of me that said not to take this opportunity for granted.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve traveled to 140 countries around the world. I’ve had the honor of playing music and speaking to thousands of people.

My proudest accomplishment is that I’ve literally tried a little bit everything. One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is first hand experience. Of course taking risks has it’s consequences both positive and negative.

In my own intense life experience, I’ve touched overwhelmingly beautiful light.  I’ve also touched great darkness many times. Nonetheless, every time I’ve gone into the dark, I’ve taken an active role in bringing myself back into the light.

Through the journey I’ve realized that much of my experience is up to me. It’s decided through my mind set. Am I a hopeful or hopeless person?

One of my all-time favorite thinkers and writers, Viktor Frankl, said, “the (greatest) of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.” His attitude saved him from death in a WW2 concentration camp.

I had to crawl for 18 hours with a shattered leg, stranded miles from help deep inside the Black Canyon of Colorado.

At the American Ninja Warrior Finals, I crashed flat on my face showing the first signs of Lyme disease.

I’d contemplated suicide, lost in self-pity and depression from losing my health.

In all of my darkest moments, I remember that we are in the driver's seat of our lives. We have extraordinary power to take an active role in bringing ourselves back into the light.

I deeply resonate with the words of the famous civil rights leader Howard Thurman. “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is more people who have come alive!”

Nature, the arts, and adventure make me come alive. In these places I find meaning, purpose, and healing every single time.

I invite you to join me on a journey to uncover what makes YOU come alive, your unique purpose, and to unearth your immense personal power that can bring you back from any hardship.

With these simple and powerful tools, you can consistently live the kind of life that is your birthright. You deserve it.

– Craig Richard

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“Craig is the real deal. We need role models like him today that are living full lives, telling the truth, and being good men! ”

“Craig has a gift to allow others to immediately feel safe and seen. He is masterful in creating a space for connection, healing, and inspiration.”

“Man … that got me thinking about my whole life!”