Ice Age Trail Alliance Keynote Address

Recently I was honored to be the Keynote speaker for the annual conference of the Ice Age Trail Alliance in Wisconsin.

What a fantastic experience and a pleasure it was being chosen to speak to so many people that love the earth, adventure, and life as I do!

The Ice Age trail is a national scenic hiking trail that spans 1,200 miles across the state of Wisconsin. It calls to those who find their bliss and peace in nature. One of my greatest joys in life is to be “lost” in the woods.

John Muir is certainly one of the most famous nature enthusiast of all time. He said “The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness”.

Every single time I feel out of balance, it’s because I haven’t exercised or spend time in nature.

Thank you to the Ice Age Trail Alliance for honoring me as your guest speaker. And thank you to every person who loves our Mother Earth, dances with her, and cares for her. ❤️🌍


Trial by Fire 🔥


I Will Always Love You